Louisiana Green Velvet Okra

(5 reviews) Write a Review
Louisiana Green Velvet
Relative Days:
Large vigorous 6 ft. plants, heavy producer, round, slender smooth, light-green 6-7 in. spineless pods, produces all season, pods retain color when processed.
Okra Growing Guide
Click HERE to view Holmes Seed Company Okra Growing Guide

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)

Okra is a popular vegetable commonly found in both home and commercial gardens. A significant acreage is planted for the soup and frozen food industry. While new varieties of okra are not introduced as frequently as some other vegetables, plant breeders and commercial companies continue to improve existing varieties, with some hybrids being released.


Plant okra when the soil temperature reaches at least 60°F for good seed germination. Okra thrives in hot, humid summers and requires warm areas with plenty of sunlight.


Okra grows best in well-drained, fertile soils with good water retention capacity. Avoid planting in very light, sandy soils or those with poor drainage or known hardpans.


Plant seeds 1 1/2 to 2 inches deep, placing 4 to 6 seeds per foot of row. Thin plants to 8 to 12 inches apart.


  • Within the row: 18–24 inches
  • Between rows: 42–60 inches


Okra grown for processing usually produces pods on brittle stems. These pods can be broken off with a snap, leaving the stem attached to the plant. For processing, allow the pods to grow as long as possible without becoming fibrous or hard. If the pod tip snaps off evenly, it is generally still tender.

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5 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Healthy and productive!

    Posted by David on Jul 19th 2022

    I will grow them every year

  • 5
    La green velvet

    Posted by Steve on Apr 10th 2022

    Great growing, non-spined okra that produces until late fall

  • 4
    Green Velvet

    Posted by JIm on Aug 30th 2021

    This thing is huge . grow three diffrent kinds of okra and this one is at leat two feet taller then the next tallest one. Its early September as I am righting this and it over 8 feet tall . Thanks Holmes seed for and eyecatching Okra

  • 5
    Louisiana velvet okra

    Posted by Sanford Bolin on Nov 12th 2017

    Best growing and producing okra for my area ! But seeds are hard to find and there has been a shortage for the past few years . Holmes seed co. solved my problem come spring I'll be rolling in fresh delicious okra !

  • 5
    My customers love these also!

    Posted by Hays Flowers and Produce. on May 31st 2017

    Love this okra! 1941 all American selection! I am a professional greenhouse grower and tried these last year. Very prolific plant. I couldn't find the seed again until I received your catalog and there they we're and in the quantity I needed them in,well worth planting.