Jade Beans

(3 reviews) Write a Review
Relative Days:
Pod Length:
Pod Shape:
Seed Color:
Pod Color:
Dark Green
Disease Reaction:

Produces long, straight pods with distinctive color, tender 

texture and sweet flavor. Pods are smooth, shiny and without 

fuzz. Its upright bush holds the pods above the ground, 

reducing the likelihood of curling and tip rot. Less concentrated 

set for multiple harvests. Best suited for hand pick.





Growing Information



3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Jade beans

    Posted by Allen B. on Jul 12th 2023

    Jade continues to be the best performing bush bean in my SE Iowa garden. Emergence is excellent and the variety produces a bumper supply of straight, smooth and blemish free beans. Plants will continue to bloom and produce when moisture is adequate and temperatures are not extremely hot much better than other varieties I have used. I also plant them in mid-July for an early fall crop. Jade is a great variety for canning. Friends keep asking for me to let them know when I have extra fresh beans.

  • 4
    Jade Bean

    Posted by Tanya Gabriele on Sep 22nd 2020

    It's an excellent Fall bean that can persevere when other more productive varieties would falter due to shorter days and waning rates of rainfall. This is particularly true in the northeastern region of Ohio . The pods are long, tender and straight and are visually appealing in any dish. When thawed after being stored in the freezer, they still hold their fresh from the garden quality. I rate this bean a 4 instead of a 5 only because it doesn't produce as many pods as a variety such as Strike, but then--like I said--that other variety would fail to do as well under the conditions that Jade can grow. Jade remains, one of my two favorite beans. My customers love them too!

  • 5
    jade bean

    Posted by paul on Oct 15th 2016

    can't find a better tasting bean anywhere grow better outside than in tunnel